

Communism has caused more than 100 million unnatural deaths. It is the most deadly ideology in the world. The Tuidang Movement (or Quitting the Chinese Communist Party Movement) is the largest grassroots movement in the modern world that defies communism. Starting from early 2005, more than 340 million Chinese people have quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. This documentary offers the audience an insider's view of those who have pushed the movement forward.

Multiple Tuidang volunteers will be interviewed and filmed. One of the volunteers is Wu Yanxia who lives in Toronto, Canada. She was a communist party secretary at the professional school where she taught in China. She was a CCP member for 26 years. Communism had been the ideology she truly believed, but her life experiences later allowed her to see the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party. She now goes to Chinatown and the Chinese consulate in Toronto every week to talk to Chinese people about the Tuidang Movement.

This documentary is 25 minutes long.


The film starts with an introduction to the Tuidang Movement (Quitting the Chinese Communist Party Movement) employing narration and footage of volunteers sharing information about the movement with Chinese tourists.

It then goes to a scene in Toronto’s Chinatown. Wu Yanxia, a Toronto resident and a Tuidang movement volunteer is talking to Chinese people here. Through her voiceover, the audience gets to know her background. She was born in a diehard communist family and was educated to be a successor to the cause of communism. However, after she started to practice Falun Gong and when Falun Gong was later suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), she realized that she had become an enemy of the regime. However, at that time she still felt an emotional connection with communist ideology. After all, that was the environment she had grown out of and was shaped in. When the Tuidang Movement started, she could not accept it. But gradually, as she recalled key moments in her life, she realized that she had hurt many people by ignoring, or even laughing, at the sufferings they had experienced because of persecution from the CCP. From 1949 when the CCP seized power, more than half of China's population has suffered some kind of persecution due to their family background, education level, property that they owned, or their thoughts and religious beliefs, etc. Wu Yanxia started to realize that her thoughts had been unknowingly shaped by the communist regime’s systematic brainwashing, and she wanted to free herself from those shackles.

Wu Yanxia also thought about one of her mentors within the communist party system. He is a kind man, but he is even more stubborn than Wu Yanxia. She decided to call him and share her thoughts with him. After many difficult conversations, her mentor finally realized the sinister nature of the communist party. Not only did he quit the CCP himself, he also talked many people around him into quitting the CCP. He told Wu Yanxia that he felt his conscience was finally clear.

Wu Yanxia can understand why many Chinese people are hostile to her when she mentions the Tuidang Movement. She is never annoyed by their reactions. She treats them like her family members and friends, because she understands how it feels to be brainwashed and manipulated.

More Tuidang Movement volunteers are interviewed and filmed. Chinese people who have withdrawn from the CCP are also interviewed.

Every year, rallies and parades are held by Tuidang Movement volunteers around the world. Community leaders and elected officials give speeches about their thoughts and observations of the movement. According to former U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher who spoke at a rally celebrating 300 million withdrawals from the CCP, the Tuidang Movement is "one of the greatest forces for peace in the world."